
Our PharmaERP is designed and developed as per the recommendations US-FDA standards. PharmaERP is enterprise resource planning software focusing on pharmaceutical industry that is accessible over the Internet. As the IT backbone or “brains” of a company, ERP provides advanced functionality for all the core processes in an organization.

Hosted on our cloud computing platform, cloud ERP is typically delivered “as a service” (software-as-a-service or SaaS ERP). Customers don’t own the software, but instead lease it on an annual or monthly subscription basis. There are no upfront hardware costs – and the we take care of application maintenance, upgrades and innovations, data storage, and security.


Systematic Features Includes Following:

Backup Facility
Software will provide the feature to take data backup as well as the application backup that may be used for Disaster and Recovery event.

Audit Log
Whenever there is a requirement to see who did what and at what time, from where, etc., Audit Log is the right place to look into this.

Basic Reports
There are pre-defined reports in the system that are default reports used as basic reports. System, however allows user to create more and user-defined reports as needed.

System Enable/Disable
Whenever there is a requirement for the system /software maintenance, this option can be used by the admin and during this maintenance time, no one can access the system.

Company Logo
To brand your software, system will allow user to upload your company logo that will be used in the system interfaces and on the reports as well.

Forgot Password
If user forgets his /her password, there is an option available in the system that can be used to recover the password.

Logical Features Includes Following:

List Page Filtration
This option can be used in the data table lookup to narrow down your desired output. Similar to Excel, you can filter various columns data by providing the keywords against each column.

Email Notification
System will generate various types of emails on different triggering points that will be used throughout the workflow of a process.

Custom Logic
Custom logic of the business application can be designed and implemented inside the application in a very short time.

Custom Reports
Beside the default reports, user can create his /her own custom reports as needed by the business objectives and requirements.

Admin Features Includes Following:

User Management
User Management is a system where admin of the software can create new users and can assign respective defined roles to the users who can use software as desired.

Alert Management
Alerts can also be defined as broadcast, department-wise, designation-wise or even specific user-wise that can be triggered at specific time.

User Registration
This feature is like Signup feature for the new users who wants to be part of the system. User will fill-in the form and will send request to admin who will accept or reject the signup request.

Customization Features Includes Following:

Profile Management
After successful login, user can update his /her profile and can also change his /her password. Beside this, user can also change the profile picture as well.

Background Wallpaper
As per user preference, user can set wallpaper of his /her choice. User can select the wall paper from the pre-defined list of wallpapers.

Custom Fields
There are some fields which are related only to user's business, if required, it can be added up for various activities.

Import Excel Data
If user has already data available in some excel format, here user can download the data template and can upload the required bulk-data in one-go.

Export Data To Excel
From the data lookup tables, user can download data in various format, like PDF, Excel or CSV. User can also copy the data and can also print directly on the connected printer.

API Management
System is capable enough to be integrated with any other system. For the integration perspective, various datapoints related APIs are exposed and can be used as desired.

Custom Dashboard
Every user role has his /her own dashboard. Dashboard can also be customised as per user needs and requirements.


Purchase System

In ERP, purchasing of material is the very first system from where business activities are started. Our ERP system differentiate among various types of materials, like Raw Material (API, Excipients), Packing Material and other materials which are procured and stored in the inventory after proper QA and QC related activities.

Inventory System (Raw Material, Packaging Material, Finished Goods)

In inventory system, all products, like Raw material, Packing Material and finished products are categorised and stored in a systematic way that each and every item can be traced using the QRCode based system. Quarantined and final inventory is segregated. All Delivery orders are automatically generated based on sale orders received from the sales team.

Quality Assurance /Quality Control System

QA and QC system are integrated and are integral part of the ERP system. Whenever there is any new purchase, QA and QC related activities are performed and after item is passed, same is auto-converted from quarantined area to actual inventory system. For production, QA and QC also perform various tests and activities and one a batch is approved, it becomes the part of finished good store.

Production System

Production is integrated with Sales demand and store. Once sale order is received, based on defined product-wise formulation, store issues the required quantity to production and production department after performing various QA and QC related checkpoints, finished products are transferred to store from where deliver orders are prepared and dispatched accordingly.

Sale Order System / Sale Order Mobile App*

Sale force team can take orders from customers using web based application where all orders are taken from the customers and are consolidated. Beside this, there is a mobile application for the sale order that will be used by the customers who can conveniently place orders using their mobile app and can also monitor the order status as well. They can also see the ledger of their accounts and many other features are part of this mobile app.

Invoicing System

Once a sale order is placed and delivery order is dispatched to the customer, a sale invoice is auto-generated from the system and same is shared with the customer. Based on this invoice, customer ledger is also updated and in response to this invoice customer pay back to the company in form cash, online transfer or Post Dated Cheques (PDC) which are being managed in the financial module of the ERP system.

PDC System

Post dated cheques are of two types, in-coming post-dated cheques from customers and out-going post-dated cheques to vendors. All details of these cheques, instrument number, instrument date, bank name, amount, etc. are put in this module. Once a cheque is cleared from the bank, an automatic respective financial entry is passed in the system that reflect the respective ledgers.

Accounts & Finance (Double-entry accounting system)

Financial system /Accounting system are known as backbones of the organisations. Our financial system is tightly integrated with various modules of the system, like Purchase system, Sales System, Inventory System, Customers, Vendors, Invoicing and other modules of the ERP system. Sales and Purchase vouchers are recorded automatically based on various triggering points. Chart of Account, Bank Payment, Bank Receipt, Cash Payment, Cash Receipt, JV, Ledger, Trial Balance, Income Statement and Balance Sheet are part of this system.

Report Engine (Financial, Payable, Receivable, Ageing Reports, etc.)

In every module, there are bunch of reports that are required on various phased of the lifecycle of the process that includes, purchase reports, sales reports, Inventory Reports, Production Report, QA Report, QC Report, Ledger Report, Trial Balance, Ageing Report, Income Statement Report, Balance Sheet Report and much more.

Subscription Plan


$60 / month

Features Backup
Audit Log
Basic Reports
System Enable/Disable
Company Logo
Email Notification
Custom Fields
Custom Logic
Registration Module
Forgot Password Module
Import Excel Data
Custom Reports
Custom Dashboard
No. of Users 15
Maintenance $1/service


$300 / month

Features Backup
Audit Log
Basic Reports
System Enable/Disable
Company Logo
Email Notification
Custom Fields
Custom Logic
Registration Module
Forgot Password Module
Import Excel Data
API Included
Custom Reports
Custom Dashboard
No. of Users Unlimited
Maintenance Included