
HRMS play a key role for any organization to manage the human capital development related activities starting from the induction process till employee exit process. Our software manages all these activities in a professional manner.


Systematic Features Includes Following:

Backup Facility
Software will provide the feature to take data backup as well as the application backup that may be used for Disaster and Recovery event.

Audit Log
Whenever there is a requirement to see who did what and at what time, from where, etc., Audit Log is the right place to look into this.

Basic Reports
There are pre-defined reports in the system that are default reports used as basic reports. System, however allows user to create more and user-defined reports as needed.

System Enable/Disable
Whenever there is a requirement for the system /software maintenance, this option can be used by the admin and during this maintenance time, no one can access the system.

Company Logo
To brand your software, system will allow user to upload your company logo that will be used in the system interfaces and on the reports as well.

Forgot Password
If user forgets his /her password, there is an option available in the system that can be used to recover the password.

Logical Features Includes Following:

List Page Filtration
This option can be used in the data table lookup to narrow down your desired output. Similar to Excel, you can filter various columns data by providing the keywords against each column.

Email Notification
System will generate various types of emails on different triggering points that will be used throughout the workflow of a process.

Custom Logic
Custom logic of the business application can be designed and implemented inside the application in a very short time.

Custom Reports
Beside the default reports, user can create his /her own custom reports as needed by the business objectives and requirements.

Admin Features Includes Following:

User Management
User Management is a system where admin of the software can create new users and can assign respective defined roles to the users who can use software as desired.

Alert Management
Alerts can also be defined as broadcast, department-wise, designation-wise or even specific user-wise that can be triggered at specific time.

User Registration
This feature is like Signup feature for the new users who wants to be part of the system. User will fill-in the form and will send request to admin who will accept or reject the signup request.

Customization Features Includes Following:

Profile Management
After successful login, user can update his /her profile and can also change his /her password. Beside this, user can also change the profile picture as well.

Background Wallpaper
As per user preference, user can set wallpaper of his /her choice. User can select the wall paper from the pre-defined list of wallpapers.

Custom Fields
There are some fields which are related only to user's business, if required, it can be added up for various activities.

Import Excel Data
If user has already data available in some excel format, here user can download the data template and can upload the required bulk-data in one-go.

Export Data To Excel
From the data lookup tables, user can download data in various format, like PDF, Excel or CSV. User can also copy the data and can also print directly on the connected printer.

API Management
System is capable enough to be integrated with any other system. For the integration perspective, various datapoints related APIs are exposed and can be used as desired.

Custom Dashboard
Every user role has his /her own dashboard. Dashboard can also be customised as per user needs and requirements.


Departmental Induction Process

Respective department will initiate the induction process by providing the details of the recruitment requirements to HR department and based on these requirement, HR will take it further for the next steps.

Job advertisement

Based on the departmental requirement of human resources, HR will post ads on various medias, like Newspaper, job sites and various other sites as well where all details will be published as well.

Interview scheduling

Once all the CVs are submitted by the applicants as per deadline, HR will short-list the candidates and will then schedule the interviews. Short-listed candidates will be called for the interview which will be managed in this module.

Offer Letter

After concluding the interview process, using this module, HR will send offer letters to the selected candidates.

Joining Report

After receiving the offer letters from the HR, candidate will submit the joining report that will be recorded in this system.

Employee profile

After joining report, the candidate’s details will be pushed to the employee profile. This module will be used to keep all data of the employee like, personal data, professional data, training data, ACR and all details.

Training Management

This module include training need analysis (TNAs) of the employees, conduct the training sessions (Internal or external) and then monitoring the training impact of the employees with regard to the performance of the employees after respective training..

Payroll Management

Payroll is a system that generates month-wise payroll of the employees that is based on the employee salary configuration, advances, loans, attendance, leaves and other related information. Salary slips are also part of the payroll system. This system is linked with the double-entry accounts management system.

Attendance Management

This module is used to record the employees’ daily attendance management system that will be linked with the payroll management system to generate monthly payroll of the employees.

Annual Confidential Report (ACR)

This module deals about the annual confidential report of the employees. This process includes the employee self-evaluation, line-manager evaluation, departmental head evaluation and finally the HR evaluation.

Employee self-service portal

This module is mainly used by the company employees who can apply for leave, can request for various letters, like employment letter, bank account opening letter, experience letter, etc. This portal will also be used to manage the employees’ ACR.

Subscription Plan


$60 / month

Features Backup
Audit Log
Basic Reports
System Enable/Disable
Company Logo
Email Notification
Custom Fields
Custom Logic
Registration Module
Forgot Password Module
Import Excel Data
Custom Reports
Custom Dashboard
No. of Users 15
Maintenance $1/service


$300 / month

Features Backup
Audit Log
Basic Reports
System Enable/Disable
Company Logo
Email Notification
Custom Fields
Custom Logic
Registration Module
Forgot Password Module
Import Excel Data
API Included
Custom Reports
Custom Dashboard
No. of Users Unlimited
Maintenance Included